An Update From The MNE Team

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Working From Home


As our Prime Minister’s updates came in day by day in mid-March, the severity of the Coronavirus on the world as we know it – and the effect on everyone’s working practices – was becoming quite clear.

At MNE we’ve always worked in a tech-focused way – everything being in the cloud, having no paperwork in the office and everybody working from Macbook laptops, for example. With the threat of Coronavirus affecting our working in the office, we were already increasing our efforts to sanitise the office and spacing out where everyone worked a little.

On 24 March after Boris asked us all to stay at home, the big plan we’d been working on for a while kicked in. The team turned up at the office one by one to collect extra equipment to make working from home more comfortable – desk phones (which incidentally work anywhere in the world – something we hadn’t tested before), laptop stands and monitors. We implemented our video conferencing plans and confirmed who was working which hours.

The consensus was soon that everyone was very much enjoying working from home – so much so, that we briefly wondered whether an office was necessary! We decided not to send an email out to our clients telling them about our new situation because when we thought about it, nothing had actually changed.

So it’s business as usual at MNE. The phones, the people and the systems are all exactly the same – the only difference you might notice is that the offices are a little dark, should you drop by!

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